
The Six Architectural Pillars for Software Development

#1 - Scenario

The scenario view describes the relationships between system participants and functional use cases and reflects the final requirements and interaction design of the system. This view is generally a use case diagram.

#2 - Logical

The logical view is used to describe the component relationships, component constraints, and boundaries after the breakdown of system software functions. It reflects the overall system composition and how the system is built. This view is generally a UML component diagram or class diagram.

#3 - Physical

The physical view describes the mapping between system software and physical hardware and shows how system components are deployed to a group of computable physical nodes. It provides guidance in the software system deployment process.

#4 - Process

The process view describes the communication sequence and data input and output between system software components and reflects the functional and data flows of the system. This view is normally presented as a sequence diagram or flowchart.

#5 – Schema

The schema view depicts the logical data layer and considers both OLTP and OLAP scenarios and functions. ERD and DDD documents provide both visual and dictionary definitions of what each table does, their respective relationships as well as each column, and index/clustered index. SPROC’s, Views and Triggers may also be included.

#6 - Development

The development view is used to describe the division and composition of system modules and refine the compositional design of internal packages. This view is used by developers and reflects the system development and implementation processes.